Facts not fiction

To Shape Your Fitness Journey.

Start Your Journey Today.

At Theory Built Fitness we provide proven research and data to provide tailored programmes to support you in achieving the best results.

We work with a variety of clients from beginners to advanced which provides support packages that include 1 to 1 personal training, group training sessions, nutrition plans and online coaching.

We don’t just focus on giving you the knowledge and tools to elevate your nutrition and fitness, we will also help you improve in other aspects of your life such as your wellbeing, mindset and improving your daily habits. 

Your Coach.

Maisie Duckworth

At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for this.

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Our Values

Research driven information

We use up-to-date research to deliver our tailored workout and nutrition plans. Further to this we provide research studies around adopting a healthier lifestyle.

client Centred approach

As a client at Theory Built Fitness we create tailored training and life styles packages which are built around the client through our data driven approach. This is development through evidence based research which will give you the knowledge to maximise your diet and training.

Theory Built Fitness (TBF) Goal Setting

Time-Bound – How long do we need to achieve this goal?

Barriers – What barriers might arise trying to achieve this goal and how can we overcome them?

Focus – What is it we are focusing on? How are we going to measure the progress?

Theory Built Fitness goal setting is set out to help you achieve your optimal mind and fitness levels.

Holistic approach

It’s not just about improving your physique. Here at Theory Built Fitness we also look into helping your physical, mental, and day to day aspects of your life through our online coaching, via our tailored app.

My Services

1 – 1 Personal training

Helps to give you the knowledge and tools to improve your training as an individual. All sessions are tailored to each individuals goals and abilities.

Group Personal training

Don’t want to train by yourself? We offer group personal training sessions for groups of 2-4 people.

Online coachiing

Our online coaching is provided through our custom-built app which provides support through TBF goal setting with structured training, video examples, habit tracking, goal setting and nutrition plans or advice with recipe examples. In addition, 24/7 support is available through the app.

Nutrition plans

Our Custom-made meal plans are tailored to clients from individual questionnaires and TBF goal setting. Plans will also include breakdown of macronutrients, recipe ideas and optional meal swaps and shopping list for clients.

Book Your Free Consultation Call

Why work with me?

qualified personal trainer with 4 years experience.

Working with a variety of clients in weight loss, muscle building, building healthier habits and in a children’s weight management clinic.  (Reword)

Human nutrition and exercise science bcs (degree)

Having underpinning knowledge around human/sports nutrition to help advise you to make healthier choices.

5 years experience within healthcare setting

Working in a variety of healthcare setting with complex individuals on a day to day basis.

International Cycling Experience

5 years in Competitive cycling at national and international level. Working with different coaches and workshops around sport and nutrition.


Chance to network with other likeminded individuals, make friends and enjoy your fitness journey with others.

integrated software for more support and delivery

I have an app available which is easily accessible to see workouts, nutrition plans and give clients more accountability to to track their progress each day and offer 24/7 support off it.